Smoke and Haze

“Smoke from the wildfires burning right now in Canada has been affecting the skies, as you can see outside. And if you’ve been outside, you can sure taste it.”              Joe Manchin III, West Virginia Democrat Smoke and haze drift south from Canadian wildfires that continue to burn out of control. Air Quality Alert SmokeContinue reading “Smoke and Haze”


Mulberries ripen in June in my part of Agriculture Zone Five. Mulberry’s fruit taste is affected by the moisture the tree receives. It’s the second or possibly third year of drought in Nebraska. A swath of the state where I live is stuck in what is called Exceptional Drought (deep red color) on the USContinue reading “Mulberries”

Finding Motivation

“We go through life. We shed our skins. We become ourselves.” Patti Smith Why write at all: Motivation during Covid In the past I’ve looked to nature and animals for writing motivation. Spring flowers and emerging life are Mother Nature’s invitation to go outside, hear the birds sing, smell fresh air, dip fingers in warmingContinue reading “Finding Motivation”

WIND: A Personal Perspective

I’ve been thinking about wind lately. I grew up on a farm near a village of four-hundred people. My parents lived north of this village until I was ten. Their next rented farm was south of that same berg. These places were the kind of farms that don’t exist anymore. My folks rented their smallContinue reading “WIND: A Personal Perspective”

Spring into Summer

It felt great to have a few warm March days after a very cold February. It was warm enough to finally bring in the Christmas lights that I strung around the yard during the last warm days in November. All the electric cords were buried under inches of snow and ice for months. John GreenleafContinue reading “Spring into Summer”

Dignity for All

This is the first blog entry I’ve attempted since my failed attempt at humor at Easter this year. It’s difficult to write anything meaningful in these stressful times. I’ve written poems this spring, but since my writing group isn’t meeting, they sit in draft stage waiting for an opportunity to be workshopped. Regardless of topic,Continue reading “Dignity for All”


Dear Reader, this blog is a tongue-in-cheek look at Holy Week. PALM SUNDAY Jesus won’t be riding into Jerusalem on a donkey this year, triumphantly or otherwise. Palms will still have their leaves as trees won’t be chopped apart for his fans to lay branches across his path. We might see palm trees as farContinue reading “HOLY WEEK AND SOCIAL DISTANCING”